Kolorful: Our Founder's Story

Kolorful Founder | Unisex Colorful Baby Clothes

I first became a mom in the fall of 2018. Under the glow and excitement of preparing for our first child, my partner and I decided not to discover the baby’s sex until birth. For those who have opted to do the same, I’m sure you can relate to the pensive looks from family members and how you learn to love the color grey. So we decided against the surprise for our second, and I have to say, it made preparing for our son SO much easier. I’m not just talking about the abundant amount of time I had to look into the different diaper changing tactics or read about how I shouldn’t be surprised if my son has his first word later than our daughter - shopping for children without imposed gender is limiting.

Feeling this sense of relief, I paused to think about why a gender-free shopping experience is so restrictive and does it have to be this way. I began to grow tired of the forced gender dichotomy - boys and girls options separated by aisles or the need to select “Boy” or “Girl” before the website populates the blues and greens or pinks and purples. I wanted more!

Born out of my experiences, friends’ anecdotes, and a lot of online shopping, I decided there was something that I could do about this. Kolorful is a marketplace that embraces the limitless potential of children, to break the boundaries of gender norms. My hope is that Kolorful offers a gender-fluid shopping experience to parents that allow children to express themselves freely.